
Building sustainable businesses for over a decade has given us the ability to design a wide palette of service products that match your needs when working with the complex areas within sustainable development and innovation.

Within Grow we introduce services that give you the opportunity to approach your sustainable journey with the holistic view that is needed. Collaborating with KnowledgeWorker means working with a human centered, diverse team bringing a wide variety of competencies and backgrounds into the room, and together with you, this gives us a unique opportunity to help your sustainable business grow.

We work with two mindsets:



Together we tailor your sustainable journey


Get introduced to the value of sustainability

We help you understand sustainability, ESG’S and SDG’s in general and give you an introduction to sustainability as a guiding principle for growth. We will help you understand how your company can prosper using aspects of sustainability relevant to your business and advise you on next steps and how KnowledgeWorker can be a guiding partner on your sustainable journey.

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Shared motivation and vision for sustainable development

Your team’s motivation will drive the change in your company. Mapping and sharing their motivation and vision for sustainable development, both on a personal level and on behalf of the company, will anchor this development and create a common goal and ownership of the proces. Doing this helps us help leaders in solidifying the company’s vision for sustainability and it creates a space outside everyday operations and captures who and what can drive your sustainable journey and motivation behind why you should.

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Your potential with a circular, innovative business model

Your business model is at the core of your sustainable development and it should become an embedded part of your business and be built on the existing strengths of your organization. For us, sustainable development is an opportunity for innovation. We help you map out and visualize your business model potentials and challenges in terms of sustainable development and new innovation, and we give you visual, shareable and action oriented recommendations on how to fulfill your potential and frame the path that supports your sustainable journey.

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Your potential with a circular, innovative value chain

A circular value chain is a cornerstone in a sustainable business and is the central mechanism to build your sustainable development around. For us sustainable development is an opportunity for innovation. We help you map out and visualize your value chain potentials and challenges in terms of circular development, communication, new relations and new innovation, and we give you visual, shareable and action oriented recommendations on how to fulfill your potential and visualize the path that supports your sustainable development journey.

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Engage the future

Preparing your business for the future with a strong knowledge foundation and well prepared strategies will be key in working with sustainable development. EU taxonomy, legislation, transparency, lack of resources, climate change, geopolitical changes and change in customer preferences will all be a part of our immediate future.  We help you research, map out and visualize your future challenges and opportunities for sustainable innovation and we give you visual, shareable, action oriented recommendations on how to work with future scenarios and frame the path that supports your sustainable journey.

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Understand EU sustainability standards and norms

Preparing your business for EU legislation and sustainability standards and understanding whether it will affect you directly or indirectly will be key in the immediate future. We help you understand how the EU legislation can become your friend on your sustainable journey and how it can become a competitive advantage. We help you research, map out and visualize an overview of the EU Taxonomy, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, Green Bonds Standard and other central EU sustainability legislation in the context of your business.

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Discover your opportunities with EU Green Deal

The EU Green Deal and the connected sustainability legislation offers a trove of new business opportunities. We help you navigate the agendas and initiatives within the Green Deal and map out your opportunities for sustainable innovation and we give you visual, shareable, action oriented recommendations on how to engage these opportunities. 

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Understand and engage your customers, end-users and key stakeholders

Creating value for- and staying relevant to your customers, end users and key stakeholders are an important part of running a business. This is also key in creating sustainable, circular products which are made for longevity and relevant use – and therefore also has a long life on the market. We help you research and map out the motivational drivers and needs of relevant end users or stakeholders and invite them to engage and be co-creators in future product development. We give you visual, shareable, action oriented recommendations on how to create and target real value for them – now and in the future.

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Understand and engage your market

As a business your marketplace is always evolving. The sustainable agenda creates new opportunities, threats and demands from both customers, competitors and society. We help you map, quantify and segment your market in order to identify challenges and new opportunities. We give you visual, shareable, action oriented recommendations on how you can grow and differentiate your business and products from your competitors in the future.

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Become everyday sustainable

Future companies have to live out sustainability in their everyday actions.We help you map and visualize your everyday processes, habits, energy usage and purchases, and we give you visual, shareable, action oriented recommendations on how to create sustainable, circular change in your day to day routines within your company. Doing so provides your company with a strengthened foundation for branding which may attract new customers and employees in the future. It also gives your employees the opportunity to act on meaningful, sustainable goals in their everyday lives.

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Sustainable development integrated in your vision

Making ambitious and realistic vision statements and a supporting strategy aligned with the future standards and requirements for sustainability and your excisisting vision, is crucial in the future. We help you frame goals and standards for your sustainable business and to co-create a vision and a strategy which can help you achieve these goals. This will provide you with a great tool for communicating your new path to stakeholders, align employees, recruit new employees and position your company on the market. Furthermore it will set the standards for all new product development.

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Act on your sustainable ambitions

When you have mapped out a direction for your sustainable journey and have pinpointed the challenges or possibilities you need to address, we can help you act on them. Through design based, collaborative problem solving and concept development we help you fulfill your sustainable potentials – let us be ambitious on your behalf. This could be in the work with any new product development, a new business model or rethinking of value chains, processes or strategies. We help you create solutions for your sustainable business.

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Change, implementation and anchoring your new efforts

When you have defined, conceptualized or created your new sustainable initiatives, these have to be implemented and anchored in your company structure. With a human- and a business minded approach, we help you create and perform strategies that will give life to your initiatives. By appointing and supporting lighthouse persons who can lead the anchoring of the new initiatives on the level of employees’ everyday operations and motivation, we help you create ownership for your sustainable journey throughout your company.

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Co-create, test, and validate  your sustainable ideas

In order to create a sustainable business model and create relevant value for your customer, end-user or key stakeholders, you need to meet them and make plans on how to engage them in your ideas or new initiatives. We help you create a relation between your business and the people you want to target and make sure that your new initiatives become relevant in their lives and made for longevity. We give you visual, shareable, action oriented test results and recommendations on how to incorporate the new knowledge in your initiatives.

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Have a coffee with us and hear more about our services and how we can help you fulfill your potential for a sustainable business

Design firm GeniForm’s sustainable journey

We helped GeniForm map out and articulate their potentials for sustainable change.
We arrived at ten key possibilities.


1. Get introduced to the value of to sustainability


2. Shared motivation and vision for sustainable development


3. Your potential with a circular, innovative
business model


4. Act on your sustainable ambitions


5. Change, implementing and anchoring new efforts

“We have become much more aware of which materials we
use and where they come from (…) We have also gained
a renewed attention to how the suppliers work and think
– and how we can articulate our new sustainable standing
point and say “We would like to do it this way” (…) It’s exciting
to receive a brand new instrument to play because it
also provides a new melody in terms of design”.

– Ebbe Gehl 2022

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