
Inventing a framework for sustainable construction.


Throughout the construction industry, the ambition to build sustainably often drowns in expensive and complicated processes. How do we make sustainable construction the easy choice for contractors, architects, and engineers?


In partnership with Juul & Hansen architects and Dominia engineering consultants, we developed ‘Openframe’ – a planning tool that measures sustainability in a construction perspective, helps navigate complexity, and provides a solid basis for decision making.
Frame facilitates the entire building process and is the world’s only digital platform which effectively integrates project management and building design with certification systems widely used to certify sustainable buildings.


Since 2017, Frame has ensured its users the most sustainability for the buck while facilitating the cooperation between all stakeholders involved. Using Frame has on average resulted in a 40 percent of savings in work hours per project, 5-7 percent increase in asset value, 8-15 percent decrease in operating costs, and 3-5 percent higher rent value and lower vacancy rate. The tool has been used by the most high-profiled companies and organisations within the Danish building industry such as Rambøll, COWI, MT Højgaard, Niras, and DTU, among many others.

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